There are prevalent incidents of low absorption rate of Kenya’s tea and declining prices at the auction are linked to low-quality tea. Evidence shows that factors contributing to the low tea quality are largely within the farming and processing stages. Challenges related to the consistency and quality of tea remain prevalent, negatively impacting domestic and international markets. A significant gap exists in adherence to quality control measures from leaf plucking to processing at the factory level.
To address these challenges, the Tea Board of Kenya is collaborating with Kenya Agricultural, Livestock and Research Organization-Tea Research Institute, Kenya Tea Development Agency Management Service, Independent Tea Producers Association of Kenya, and East African Tea Trade Association are sensitizing farmers in the West of Rift on quality tea production. This will be achieved by conducting a decentralized training approach, where selected lead farmers will receive advanced training as Trainers of Trainers (TOTs) and be commissioned to train other farmers at the respective Tea Buying centers.
The farmers’ sensitization focusing on best agronomic practices including crop husbandry, proper plucking/harvesting methods, leaf handling, and field maintenance. This will ensure that farmers pluck and deliver high-quality green leaf to factories.
The objective of the Farmer Training
- Training and equipping farmers with the necessary knowledge and skills on farm management, proper tea plucking standards, and handling of tea to attain higher-quality green leaf production.
- Adopt Good Agronomic Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices that directly affect the quality of Kenyan tea.
- Provide insights into market trends, needs, and requirements for attaining higher prices for Kenya.