Tea production for the month of July 2022 recorded a significant drop from 43.27 Million Kgs in June and 50 Million Kgs in May to 33.85 Million Kgs.
Though this was the lowest monthly production for the year-to-date, it was within the seasonal average output usually recorded in the month of July. Drop in production for the month of July follows minimal rainfall and occasional rain experienced in most parts of the country as well as cold and cloudy conditions.
During the month, weather conditions in the highlands East of the Rift Valley was characterized by occasional drizzle or light rains coupled with cool temperatures. In the West of the Rift Valley, certain tea growing areas especially in Kericho and Nandi recorded modest precipitation while the rest such as Barnet, Nyamira and Kisii experienced dry weather conditions or lower rainfall of less than 10 mm daily. Consequently, in tea growing areas in the West of Rift Valley, production dropped by about 0.48 Million Kgs from 28.40 Million Kgs recorded during the corresponding month of 2021 to 27.91 Million Kgs.
Production in the region was also lower compared to 31.87 Million Kgs recorded during the month of June. Similarly, within the East of the Rift, production was lower by about 0.39 Million Kgs from 5.93 Million Kgs recorded during the corresponding month of 2021 to 6.32 Million Kgs. Production in the region was also significantly lower compared to 11.39 Million Kgs Million Kgs recorded during the month of June.
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