Tea production for the month of April 2023 rose significantly by 8.16 Million Kgs to 49.49 Million Kgs from 41.33 Million Kgs recorded in during the same period of last year. It was also much higher compared to 30.44 Million Kgs recorded during the month of March. Improved production follows high precipitation recorded in most parts of the country throughout the month as April is generally the peak of the "Long Rains" season. According to Kenya Metrological department, the amounts of rainfall received in April was near the average precipitation usually recorded for the month. In tea growing areas within the East of Rift high rainfall amounts ranging an average of 43mm to 114 mm daily was received during the last three weeks of the month. Similarly, moderate and well distributed rainfall was recorded throughout the month in the West of Rift. As a result, output in the West of Rift was significantly higher by 5.91 Million Kgs from 26.84 Million Kgs recorded during the same month of 2022 to 32.75 Million Kgs. Similarly, compared to April last year, production within the East of Rift was enhanced by 2.26 Million Kgs from 14.48 Million Kgs to 16.74 Million Kgs.
Table 1: Production by Sub-Sector and Region (2023 vis-à-vis 2022)
Sector |
Region |
APRIL 2023 |
APRIL 2022 |
Variance +1- |
Var. % |
Jan -A ril 2023 |
Jan -A ril 2022 |
Variance +1- |
Var. % |
Plantation |
West of Rift |
21 ,406.601 |
16,821 ,998 |
4,584,603 |
27.25% |
75,189,722 |
6,344.788 |
9.22% |
East of Rift |
1,520,261 |
292.290 |
23.80% |
5,313,027 |
991.333 |
-15.72% |
Total |
22,926,862 |
4,876,893 |
27.02% |
80,502,748 |
75,149,293 |
5,353,455 |
7.12% |
Smallholder |
West of Rift |
10,023.035 |
1.320,540 |
13.18% |
35,862,266 |
-18.01% |
East of Rift |
13,260.950 |
14.78% |
51.264.629 |
58.112731 |
6,848.103 |
-11.78% |
Total |
26,564,529 |
23,283,985 |
3,280,545 |
14.09% |
87,126,894 |
101 |
- 14,725,196 |
-14.46% |
Plantation |
West of Rift |
32,750,176 |
26,845.032 |
22.00% |
111.051.987 |
1,532,305 |
-1.36% |
Smallholder |
East of Rift |
14.488,921 |
15.54% |
-12.17% |
Total |
49,491,391 |
41,333,953 |
8,157,438 |
19.74% |
9,371,741 |
-5.29% |
Download Kenya Tea Industry Performance Report - 2023 April (3,455KB)