Tea production for the month of March 2023 dropped significantly by 15.9 Million Kgs to 30.44 Million Kgs from 46.48 Million Kgs recorded in during the same period of last year and was the lowest production ever recorded during the month since the year 2020. Despite the onset of the "Long Rains" season in the second week of March, production during the month was also lower by 2.49 Million Kgs compared to 32.73 Million Kgs recorded in February. Significant drop in production was on account of adverse sunny and dry weather conditions in most parts of the tea growing areas coupled with high and above average temperatures experienced during the month of February and the beginning of March which caused intense moisture stress within the tea farms. As a result, output in the West of Rift droped significantly by 10.98 Million Kgs from 31.47 Million Kgs recorded during the same month of 2022 to 20.49 Million Kgs. Similary, compared to march last year, production within the East of Rift was lower by 5 Million Kgs from 14.99 Million Kgs to 9.99 Million Kgs.
Table 1: Production by Sub-Sector and Region (2023 vis-à-vis 2022)
Sub-Sector |
Re ion |
March -23 |
March -22 |
Variance |
Var. % |
Jan - March 2023 |
Jan - March 2022 |
Variance +1- |
Var. 0/0 |
Plantation |
West of Rift |
14,408.593 |
19,775,075 |
-27% |
53,783,121 |
2.21% |
East of Rift |
594,543 |
877 ,624 |
-60% |
5,076.389 |
-26.64% |
Total |
21 |
6,244,106 |
-29% |
190,035 |
-0.33% |
Smallholder |
West of Rift |
6,083,359 |
1 1 702.937 |
-48% |
33,716,324 |
-27.28% |
East of Rift |
13,525.983 |
4,123.685 |
-30% |
36,1 12,538 |
44,851 ,781 |
-19.48% |
Total |
15,485,658 |
25,228,920 |
9,743,262 |
-39% |
60,631 ,229 |
17,936,877 |
-22.83% |
Plantation & Smallholder |
West of Rift |
20,491 ,952 |
-35% |
78.301 ,811 |
86,336,992 |
8,035,181 |
-9.31% |
East of Rift |
9,996.841 |
14,998,150 |
5,001 ,309 |
-33% |
39,836.440 |
49,928,170 |
10,091.730 |
-20.21% |
Total |
46,476,162 |
- 15,987,369 |
-34% |
118,138,251 |
-13.30% |
Download Kenya Tea Industry Performance Report - 2023 March (3,505KB)